European parliament resolution on the integrity of online gambling

Singapore - Wikipedia The next-most practised religion is Christianity, followed by Islam, Taoism, and Hinduism. 17% of the population did not have a religious affiliation. Resolution Booklet Brno 2017 by is17brno - Issuu

Gambling services in the EU: European Parliament confirms once again ... Brussels/Strasbourg – The European Casino Association (ECA) welcomes the European Parliament’s adoption of the Resolution on the integrity of online gambling by the vast majority of the Members of the European Parliament (544 in favour, 36 against and 66 abstentions). European Parliament Adopts Resolution on Online Gambling The resolution, approved by 572 votes to 79, with 61 abstentions, is Parliament’s reply to a roadmap entitled ‘Towards a comprehensive European framework for online gambling’, which the European Commission adopted last October. European football united for the integrity of the game - The European Parliament came to this conclusion in its Resolution on the Integrity of Online Gambling in in the Internal Market (2011) 5 : “[…] a uniform definition of sports fraud should be ...

The European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection is set to meet next week to debate a controversial report on the integrity of online gambling with in EU.

The European Parliament Resolution contains more than 50 policy statements directed towards the market, the European Commission and the Member States. The Resolution elaborates on 5 different topics: consumer protection, compliance with EU law, administrative cooperation, money laundering and integrity of sports. European Parliament report on online gambling | Lexology The European Parliament today published its Report on online gambling in the internal market calling for a balanced and EU compliant approach when regulating the market. European Parliament resolution of 10 March 2009 on the integrity of ... Gambling and Social Responsibility ... Government under fire for failing to back mandatory betting levy European Parliament vote on Online Gambling Resolution Strasbourg, 10 September 2013 – EL welcomes the new European Parliament Resolution on online gambling adopted today by an overwhelming majority wherein the Parliament clearly endorses the approach of the European Commission’s Action Plan to not propose a sectoral harmonisation Directive for online gambling.

European Parliament adopts resolution on online gambling

The European Parliament, – having regard its previous resolutions on the situation in Ethiopia.E.whereas the Ethiopian authorities arbitrarily arrested a number of peaceful protesters, journalists and opposition party leaders in the context of a brutal crackdown on the protests in the Oromia Region... EU parliament votes against to block illegal gambling… The European Parliament have spoken out for measures to facilitate the access to gambling for young people more difficult.Within the EU, especially Malta is very active in providing online gaming experience to Europeans. On the island are more than 240 gambling companies active, and the...

European Parliament adopts resolution on online gambling

News: The EU Is Split Over Online Gambling According to a report from the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) on Tuesday, the European Parliament has introduced a resolution that looks at Commissioner Oettinger Statement on the European Parliament's ... European Commission - Press Release details page - European Commission - Statement Brussels, 18 April 2018 The Parliament has voted on a Resolution regarding the appointment of the Secretary-General of the Commission. Since the appointment, the European Parliament has made many statements and many questions have been asked. European Parliament Passes Schaldemose Report | iGaming Business 'There are powerful vested interests that are opposed to the opening up of markets in the European Union,' said Clive Hawkswood, Chief Executive Officer for the RGA. 'The adopted resolution is more about the funding of sports and effectively protecting existing national gambling markets rather than the integrity of online gambling.' Gambling and European Law - The Law Reviews

The European Parliament adopted a non-binding Resolution on the integrity of online gambling at its Strasbourg plenary, with 544 in favour, 36 against and 66 abstentions.

Resolution on Cults in the European Union.N. whereas the potential dangers of many cults primarily affect individuals, including young people, possibly damaging their mental and physical integrity or their social and financial standing, and whereas at present and on the basis of the...

European Gaming & Responsible gambling tools are the focus of our last Online Gambling Focus of 2018. 2012/2322(INI) | ParlTrack The resolution calls for a series of actions from Member States and the Commission, as appropriate, to: · take action against illegal gambling offered from within Member State territories; · ensure a high level of consumer and health … European Parliament signals tough line on Brexit